Somatic cancer

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The identification of molecular alterations in tumour samples has led to great advances in the development of medical oncology. Genomic evidence obtained from tumour samples confirms the diagnosis, allows a prognosis to be established and helps to select the treatment for each patient.


Optimised gene panel sequencing to detect point mutations in colorectal or lung tumour samples. The mutational profile is added to the OncoNIM® Biomarker database to provide specialists with relevant information on possible therapeutic options.

It identifies recurrent mutations in 22 genes selected as prognostic and/or predictive markers, or potential therapeutic targets that are currently validated or under evaluation in ongoing clinical trials.

Turnaround time: 21 working days from receipt of the sample.
Reference: ONC4002

Please remember to attach the Application Form and Informed Consent Form to the sample, which you will find on the right.


NGS panel developed to detect fusion genes in lung cancer. Four genes involved in a total of 24 fusion genes or rearrangements are analysed.

The mutational profile is added to the OncoNIM® Biomarker database to assess its correlation with available treatments and clinical trials.

Turnaround time:   21 working days from receipt of the sample.
Reference: ONC4003

Please remember to attach the Application Form and Informed Consent Form to the sample, which you will find on the right.


NGS platform to detect point mutations in hotspot regions, fusion transcripts and CNVs, by testing the DNA and RNA of solid tumour samples. The mutational profile is added to the OncoNIM® Biomarker database to provide specialists with information on therapeutic options.

It includes 52 genes that are widely characterised in literature and clinical guidelines, where actionable mutations have been described and for which there are approved drugs or drugs in clinical trials.

Turnaround time: 21 working days from receipt of the sample.
Reference: ONC4005

Please remember to attach the Application Form and Informed Consent Form to the sample, which you will find on the right.


Genomic test to establish the recurrence risk in women with breast cancer.

Using NanoString nCounter® Dx technology and the PAM50 gene signature analysis algorithm, it is the only test that can classify the intrinsic subtype of the breast tumour, as well as establishing a risk category based on the probability of recurrence (POR) at 10 years. To do so, it takes into account clinical variables such as tumour size and the patient’s nodal status, as well as the molecular information.

La Prosigna's reliability is guaranteed by:

  • Clinical trials in the USA and Spain, which demonstrate that it is a reproducible, accurate and robust test.
  • FDA-approved genomic test with CE marking.


¿When is it indicated?

As a prognostic indicator in postmenopausal women with breast cancer who have undergone a mastectomy or breast-conserving therapy, as well as the usual locoregional treatment, in the following conditions:

  • Patients with stage I and II hormone receptor-positive lymph node-negative tumours, to be treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy
  • Patients with stage II and IIIA hormone receptor-positive and lymph node-positive tumours to be treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy.


Turnaround time:  15 working days from receipt of the sample.
Reference: ONC5001

Please remember to attach the Application Form and Informed Consent Form to the sample, which you will find on the right.


Detecting sequence alterations in certain proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes is routine in the clinical practice of cancer diagnosis.

Using different sequencing methodologies, NIMGenetics offers specialists mutation tests in the following genes:  BRCA1/2, BRAF, EGFR.

Turnaround time: Check.
Reference:  Check here

Please remember to attach the Application Form and Informed Consent Form to the sample, which you will find on the right.

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